
Pixel art chili logo

A supportive ecosystem of
creators and builders at the
forefront of web3 and DAOs

MCON2 wrapped!

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Hydra is Rising

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Taco Townhall every Tuesday (6pm CEST)

Members Only

Public Nouns is live!

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MCON2 wrapped!

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Hydra is Rising

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Taco Townhall every Tuesday (6pm CEST)

Members Only

Public Nouns is live!

Grab a noun

If you want to go
fast, go alone.
If you want to go
far, go together.

Pixel art chili logo

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Shots Fired #56

MCON2 labor edition, pre merge

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MetaCartel Tweets

Harvesting chilis...

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Slaying the calendar lords...


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Works in Progress

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MetaCartel Website

First ever community effort to finally update the website



ETHos Website

Incubator for IRL Ethereum events


Meditations on Moloch (Printed Edition)

Nicely designed, printed version of the og essay for mass consumption

Choose Your Destiny

There are a few ways to join MetaCartel. All paths bring you into our community. Gain access to the most exciting conversations in Web3 and voting power in the DAO that jumpstarts the most impactful projects in the ecosystem.

Give Funding

Eat tacos, without making them. We’ll take your ETH, give it to projects that’ll make our lives better, and give you DAO membership so you can help when you like.

Apply to be Funding Member


Test your spice tolerance, but bring a towel, because you’re going to sweat and you’re going to like it. Even if you don’t know how you can contribute, join us in the Discord.

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